New York Minute by Melinda Dozier

New York Minute

by Melinda Dozier

Shy accountant Veronica Bass is determined to live it up a little before settling down with a perfectly respectable man to live a perfectly respectable life, just the way her mother wants.

So when rock star Diego Diaz flashes his bedroom eyes at her during a wedding reception, Veronica swallows her shyness and leads him to the nearest hotel room. Now this total sex god keeps popping up in her life, and she finds herself telling some not-so-little white lies to keep him interested.

Diego's world evolves around music, women throwing themselves at him, and having fun. His lifestyle hasn't allowed him to find the right girl to settle down with until now, but his own secret stands in the way of forming a lasting relationship with Veronica.

Is their love destined to last for only a New York minute?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This was a great story about rising musician and a boring accountant. The story between Diego and Veronica was heartwarming and brought to light that you should always be yourself instead of trying to impress someone with a fake you. I like how romantic Diego was towards Veronica and how she loved his affections but felt not good enough and boring for his taste.

Reviewed by Susan for Cocktails and Books

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  • 4 March, 2015: Reviewed