Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne

Two Ravens and One Crow (The Iron Druid Chronicles)

by Kevin Hearne

Atticus O'Sullivan is back in an all-new, action-packed, laugh-out-loud novella from the author of the Iron Druid Chronicles. Two-thousand-year-old Atticus may have outwitted and outfought everyone from Odin to Bacchus, but in this ebook original, he's about to discover what comes around when you go around messing with gods.

Six years into the training of his beautiful apprentice, Granuaile, a large crow swoops down and transforms into none other than the Morrigan, a goddess who insists that Atticus come with her at once. He must leave his apprentice behind, along with his Irish wolfhound, Oberon - and he must also...

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Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

Two Ravens and One Crow is for people who...

...are fans of the Iron Druid Chronicles
...enjoy their Druids
...prefer their enjoyable Druids naked (and horny)
...want to know what happened in the middle of Granuaile's training (since it's referenced in other books)
...need their #NakedDruid fix because what else are we going to read until book 7?
...are curious about the Morrigan (Hunted. Man. That book.)
...finished book 4 recently--props to you for reading in order
...have already finished books 1 through 4; yes, you need to read these in order
...can't get enough Iron Druid Chronicles

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  • Started reading
  • 7 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2013: Reviewed