Street Freaks by Terry Brooks

Street Freaks

by Terry Brooks

Receiving a dire warning immediately before his father disappears, Ash finds himself hunted in a futuristic mega-city where he searches for help from a human and part-human underworld.

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

5 of 5 stars

If your a fan of Terry Brooks you know he best know for his talents as fantasy writer.  I love that Terry has delved into a new genre for him and he really shown his talent for being an author.  This is being marketed as a stand alone novel but i think their more story that can be told if the audience wants it.  This novel is gripping, exciting and takes elements from different movies and tv shows that i love.  I see a glimpse of fast and the furious with the street racing,  a flash of humans 2.0 with our different varieties of street freaks that ash is thrown in with, and best all of you get a bit of who done it and why run for your life action. 

I was reading this at the gym while speed walking on the treadmill i got so lost in the action of what was unfolding that at times i forgot i was in cool down mode and needed to slow my pace.  It was a nice treat to see a new story from a favorite author.  Your in for a treat when you pick up Street Freaks.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 19 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 19 September, 2018: Reviewed