Me and Mr Booker by Cory Taylor

Me and Mr Booker (Text Classics)

by Cory Taylor

Looking back, Martha could've said no when Mr Booker first tried to kiss her. That would've been the sensible thing to do. But Martha is sixteen, she lives in a small dull town - a cemetery with lights - her father is mad, her home is stifling, and she's waiting for the rest of her life to begin. Of course Martha would kiss the charming Englishman who brightened her world with style, adventure, whisky, cigarettes and sex. But Martha didn't count on the consequences. Me and Mr Booker is a story about feeling old when you're young and acting young when you're not.

Reviewed by Michael @ Knowledge Lost on

4 of 5 stars

Martha is a 16 year old girl stuck in a boring little town with a family that is slowly destroying her. Then one day she meets and falls in love with a married man that will change everything for her; Mr Booker. At first I thought this movie would be like Lolita or An Education, but this took a completely different turn. It turns out this was more a story about Martha discovering who she is and what she needs to do to make her life better.

Me and Mr Booker is a sexy and yet very disturbing novel, with a great sense of pacing. Cory Taylor did an excellent job at describing the boredom of living in a small town, the emotions behind being alone and having an uncontrollable love towards someone you know you shouldn’t and know would end up hurting you. This debut novel was a quick and easy read which is well worth taking the time to read. The whole relationship between Martha and Mr Booker may be hard to take so I can’t recommend it to everyone, but if you think it wouldn’t affect you, then this book is worth reading.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 June, 2011: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2011: Reviewed