Drive Like a Woman, Shop Like a Man by Mary Mulvihill

Drive Like a Woman, Shop Like a Man

by Mary Mulvihill

A miscellany of measures to reduce your carbon footprint, this is a great book for people coming to terms with Ireland's urgent need for eco-awareness. It includes tips such as: Do nothing for the environment - mark the last Saturday in November in your calendar and do nothing about it, because this is international Buy Nothing Day (see if you can get through 24 hours without buying anything); and, New shoes? Green shoes - The next time you need new shoes, try some re-treads with street cred. Terra Plana's 'worn-again' trainers are made from 99 per cent recycled materials - everything from old car seats to old jeans - and come with stitching instead of adhesives and sustainable rubber soles.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Interesting list of some ways to be greener. The title is a bit meh but some of the ideas are interesting, most I've come across elsewhere.

"The '8 for 3' offer at your local library (eight books for three weeks, renewable) is much better. You will also be supporting local resources, facilities and jobs, and you can avail of free Internet and daily newspapers while you are there" p48, love it!

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  • 16 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2014: Reviewed