The Amish Wedding Promise by Laura V Hilton

The Amish Wedding Promise

by Laura V Hilton

Could this bride's wedding disaster be a blessing in disguise?

Grace Lantz always imagined her wedding day would be a blissfully happy occasion. But after a tornado swept through town, she finds herself relieved that the ceremony is delayed. After all, her groom-to-be hasn't even bothered to check on her. Instead, it's the handsome volunteer Zeke Bontrager who selflessly offers Grace his strong shoulders to lean on.

Zeke came to Hidden Springs to assist a community in need. He didn't expect to meet his soul mate. Determined to ignore his feelings, Zeke promises to help reunite kind, beautiful Grace with her groom. But after spending time together, Grace confesses that she might not want to marry her fiancé after all. Can Zeke convince her that her true love is standing right in front of her? And can she find the courage to follow her heart?

Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Jesus still calms the storms

My rating is 4.5 stars

Living in the shadow of his "perfect" cousin, Vernon, who stole his job and his girl, Zeke felt insignificant and as if his daed was disappointed in him. When the two traveled to Illinois to help the community there recover from tornadoes, he was optimistic about becoming a hero. Yet Vernon was the one to find the missing cows and Zeke was simply given the task of trying to find Gracie's missing fiancé.

I really cared about Zeke and loved the way he interacted with people and animals with such kindness. He had a humility born from his hurts, which showed in all he did. And even when he had a valid reason for blowing up and yelling, he showed kindness and allowed the Lord to work on his behalf instead.

Gracie had spent so many years of her life walking on eggshells to not upset her younger "special needs" sister, Patience, that she held everything inside. Whether she became a people pleaser because of that, or whether she already was, she was so afraid of disappointing others that she felt like she couldn't speak her mind. I was able to relate to her quite well! She was always putting others' needs before her own and needed someone like Zeke to care about her! When her family continued to tell her that her doubts about marrying were just cold feet, she faulted herself for struggling with this.

There was so much I enjoyed about this story. The balance of lighter and heavier matters was perfect. It wasn't so serious to make me sad and the humor was used appropriately and had me laughing often. I loved the punny names of Gracie's family's animals and wanted to hug her grossdaadi! Oh, and Patience was so precious I wanted to take her home with me.

I appreciated how well the author took the theme of Jesus calming the storm and wove it through the story. The lessons Zeke and Gracie learned through that were apt and helpful for all believers to learn and remember. And, as in all her stories, the message of salvation was clearly taught and incorporated in a very natural and engaging manner.

While dealing with domestic and substance abuse was necessary to the story, it was very subtle and handled very tactfully.

I highly recommend this story of hope to all readers who enjoy fiction that both challenges them and makes them laugh.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 17 December, 2019: Reviewed