Reviewed by writehollydavis on

4 of 5 stars

3.75/5! I enjoyed reading The Gwythienian and thought Savannah had really strong writing and prose. First person really suited this story and allowed me to become immersed in the world with Enzi's thoughts. I loved the flashback scenes scattered throughout the story which told of Enzi's past and helped me empathize with her. I also enjoyed the developing relationship between her and Gaedyan. There were times when I was confused because of all the new (to me) terminology and had to flip back to the vocabulary guide to remember what the term meant and how to pronounce it, but thankfully there was one I could refer to! I also became overwhelmed at times with all of the information thrown at me. However, I still enjoyed the story, plus we're left with a cliffhanger ending, like any good evil author should. ;)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 15 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2017: Reviewed