O Ouro Das Fadas by Eoin Colfer

O Ouro Das Fadas

by Eoin Colfer

Com apenas 12 anos e uma prodigiosa inteligência criminal, Artemis Fowl vê-se envolvido num estranho e poderoso mundo: ao raptar uma criatura do Povo das Fadas, defronta-se com a capitã Holly Short da LEPrecon e com um perigoso exército de gnomos, fadas, duendes, elfos e trolls munidos de armas muito avançadas.

Aliando acção, internet e magia, as aventuras de Artemis Fowl conquistaram em todo o mundo uma legião de leitores, sendo um rival à altura de Harry Potter.

Reviewed by Amber (The Literary Phoenix) on

4 of 5 stars

Even though it's a middle grade book, and even though I've read it many times, Artemis Fowl endlessly delights me. I love the cleverness of the hero in a sea of teen boy heroes of the time, and I love the side characters - Butler, Juliet, Root, etc. I had forgotten how little Holly is actually featured in this first book. I feel like the first book was a taste... a single lick of the lollipop... to the candy shoppe that is the entire series.

I can't see *anyone* really hating these books, unless they are fervently against fantasy. It's such a quick read - even the audiobook is only six hours - and easy to devour. Plus, I'm a suck for any of my childhood favorites. Can't wait for the movie next year. :)

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  • 1 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 1 September, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 1 September, 2018: Reviewed