Lock & Mori by Heather W. Petty

Lock & Mori (Lock & Mori)

by Heather W. Petty

In modern-day London, two brilliant high school students meet. A murder will bring them together. The truth very well might drive them apart.

You know their names. Now discover their beginnings.

Someone has been murdered in London's Regent's Park, and sixteen-year-old Lock has challenged his classmate Mori to solve the crime before he does. His only rule: they must share every clue with each other.

Mori reluctantly agrees, but what begins as fun and games quickly becomes sinister. As she gets closer to solving the case--and more and more drawn to Lock--she discovers that the murder is connected to her own past. Now she's keeping secrets from Lock, her family, and her best friend, secrets with dire consequences.

To save herself and loved ones, Mori is prepared to take matters into her own hands. Will Lock be standing by her side when it's all over? That's one mystery Mori cannot solve.

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

I quite enjoyed this. I liked Mori and Sherlock and Mycroft and their relationships with each other. Mori was a treat - I liked how she kept Sherlock on his toes and caught him off-guard. I liked the banter between her and Mycroft as well. I also liked Sadie and would've liked to see how that developed in further books. The mystery was interesting although I got tired of Mori not telling Sherlock her suspicions. Plus for someone so smart some of the stuff she does is well and truly dumb. I would've liked to see her actually succeed with her plan for revenge/justice and use her smarts to her advantage.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2017: Reviewed