Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Bookishly Ever After

by Isabel Bandeira

When sixteen-year-old Phoebe learns that a cute guy might have a crush on her, she uses the heroines in her favorite books as examples of how to improve her own personality.

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Obviously, as an obsessive reader, I had to read Bookishly Ever After. Like Phoebe, my life would be much more interesting with a paranormal love interest in it. But also like Phoebe, I'm stuck in the real world. Alas. However, Phoebe manages to bring her favorite heroines out of the pages and into herself, by channeling their confidence to catch the eye of her crush!

Bookishly Ever After was super cute. I adored Phoebe and her uber-bookishness. She learned archery and how to knit because of books. That's pretty hardcore, even if her friends think it's dorky. The love interest, Dev, is also super adorable. He's not the hot bad boy. He's in band with Phoebe and enjoys Bollywood films. And he asks her for book suggestions! Too bad that Phoebe has her eye on Kris who looks like her current favorite book boyfriend, and it takes an epic makeover from her best friend to make him notice her.

The one thing that kind of bothered me about Bookishly Ever After was that the beginning feels a bit repetitive. It's a lot of Phoebe reading, channeling the heroine, running into Dev, attempting to flirt, going back to bookish Phoebe, and then doing it all again. Then there was her best friend constantly breaking up and getting back together with her foreign exchange student boyfriend. I just wanted to get on with it! The first two thirds cover a few months, but then the last third is only a few days when Phoebe, Dev, and Kris are counselors at a camp. I liked that part a lot better.

Overall, Bookishly Ever After was a super adorable read. It's pure fluff, which is a-okay with me! It does have excerpts from Phoebe's current reads, which were fun additions.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 21 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 December, 2015: Reviewed