How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

How to Walk Away

by Katherine Center

* * * The New York Times bestseller * * *

If your life fell apart . . . could you start again?

How to Walk Away
is a heartbreaking, joyful story of learning to live and love again from internationally bestselling author Katherine Center.

Maggie Jacobsen is just about to step into the bright future she’s worked so hard and so long for: her dream job, a fiancé she adores and the promise of a perfect life just around the corner. But on what should have been the happiest day of her life, everything she worked for is taken away...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Katherine Center may make me a lover of women's fiction. I immediately ran out to get my hands on this book after being blown away by Things You Save in a Fire, and once again, she told me a story that messed with each and every one of my emotions.

She really made me reflect on how I would feel, if my whole life was changed in a heartbeat. Margaret was facing a future, which was drastically different from what she had planned, and Center took me through her ups and downs, which were understandable, but I was so proud of every step she took towards learning to navigate her way through this new life.

Margret was fortunate to have family rally around her. Her parents were pretty wonderful. Her mom's approach wasn't always perfect, but she meant well. But, I really adored her sister, Kitty. She hadn't seen her sister in three years, and Margaret was angry with her, but Kitty slowly worked her way back into Margaret's life, and it was really heartwarming to see them renew their bond.

Center really knows how to blend the happy with the sad, when to give us those light hearted moments, and when to bring on the pain. I absolutely loved every second of this, and have now added Center to my list of auto-reads.


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  • Started reading
  • 27 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 27 August, 2019: Reviewed