When I'm Gone by Abbi Glines

When I'm Gone (Rosemary Beach, #11)

by Abbi Glines

Love is a journey ~ Rosemary Beach is the destination...

Mase Colt-Manning has always preferred his Texan ranch life to his birthright as the son of a legendary rock star. In fact, he rarely visits his father in Rosemary Beach, especially if it means staying with his vile half-sister, Nan. But one such visit leads to a chance encounter with a young, gorgeous house maid who awakens him with her off-key but spirited imitation of a country music star…

Reese Ellis finally has her freedom. Escaping a lifetime of abuse from her parents and classmates she...Read more

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

I wonder if I am ever going to not love an Abbi Glines book. I devoured When I'm Gone. I can never get enough of her books. Her character development is beyond amazing. She pulls you in and you are clamoring for more. I knew I would love Mase from Grant and Harlowe's books. He is the big brother that we all want: protective, loving and understanding...add in a side of totally hot cowboy and can you really not love him?!? Mase's book hooked me from Chapter 1 and the absolute worst part of Abbi's books, they are never long enough. I wanted more, more, more.

Mase and Reese were a fantastic pair. Mase likes to save and help people and Reese, because of a dark past, needed help to realize she has worth. I can't imagine what it would be like to have parents that constantly put you down, abuse you both mentally and physically and not help you in any way. Abbi tugged my heart strings with Reese's backstory.

The part that got me the most in this book was the Chapter with Mase and his momma. Oh lord. As Reese says time and time again, this man (Mase) has a way with words. When he explains to his mom how much he cares for Reese, I literally got chills and had a hard time swallowing. Writing like this is what romance novels is all about. Abbi Glines gets it right...every single time. Thank goodness there is another Mase and Reese book. They are too good of a read for just one book!

Reviewed by Candace for Cocktails and Books

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  • 28 March, 2015: Reviewed