Reviewed by funstm on
I loved the relationship between her and Lissa and how they look after one another. Lissa was an interesting character. Her depression is an interesting element and I liked that Mead tries to normalise it. Particularly the message that getting outside help can be beneficial to obtaining happiness. I liked Christian and her relationship with him. They clearly connected and really liked one another.
I loved the relationship between Rose and Dimitri - but I kind of just ignored the whole she's 17 thing and imagined her older. Or him younger. Because a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is icky. At 17 I would've thought so what. At 29 it's just plain wrong. So I'm kind of just ignoring that bit. If nothing else, I liked that they got to know one another and have a lot of the same views.
The banter between all the characters was funny and I enjoyed the plot. The action was fast paced and mysterious enough to have me dying for more. It wasn't anything particularly new (what is these days) but it was unique and well written enough to stand out and obtain 5 stars.
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- 15 March, 2020: Finished reading
- 15 March, 2020: Reviewed
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- 15 March, 2020: Reviewed