Gronk: A Monster's Story Volume 1 by Katie Cook

Gronk: A Monster's Story Volume 1

by Katie Cook

Gronk is a monster... and not a very good one. Gronk tells the tale of a
young monster who has turned her back on monsterdom (mostly because no one found
her scary) and has become fascinated with humans. She moves in with her human
friend Dale and her pets Kitty and Harli, a 160 lb. Newfoundland Dale wants to
declare as a dependent to the IRS.

Enjoy the first installment from this
popular kids webcomic in a wonderful, full-color collection!

Reviewed by Sarah Says on

4 of 5 stars

“Gronk is a young monster who has turned her back on the ways of monster-dom (mostly because she was just too darn adorable to be scary). She finds the human world fascinating and is curious about everything…”

Adorable characters, beautiful bright illustrations, cute and funny story with some fandom references thrown in for good measure. I really enjoyed Gronk; it is a quick fun read that I can see myself reading again. I’ve gone and subscribed to Katie's website so I can keep up with Gronk’s activities as she tries to make a home with her human, cat and extremely over weight dog.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 9 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2015: Reviewed