A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare

A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove, #1)

by Tessa Dare

Welcome to Spindle Cove...

Spindle Cove is the destination of choice for certain types of well-bred young ladies: the bookish, the shy, the heartbroken or misunderstood. It's a haven for young women who don't quite fit in.

Victor Bramwell, the new Earl of Rycliff, knows he doesn't belong here. So far as he can tell, there's nothing in this village but spinsters and sheep. But he has orders to gather a militia. It's a simple mission, made complicated by the spirited, exquisite Susanna Finch--a woman who is determined to save her ladies' refuge from the invasion of Bram's makeshift army.


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Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

On May 2015 reread: Pretty sure I'd up this rating to 4.5 -- loved it even more the second time around. Tessa Dare brings the swoons.


Tessa Dare can do no wrong. Because any book that makes me request the remaining three books in the series after finishing is a DAMN GOOD BOOK. A Night to Surrender even sets the stage for two other couples, which is part of the reason for the request binge...

The other part, of course, is that Tessa Dare writes some amazing books. This one starts with sheep bombing. SHEEP BOMBING. No lie. I adore these characters. They're so real and flawed and lovable. (For the most part anyway. Lord Payne, I'm looking at you.)

I also really love the spin that Susanna had on the whole "You're mine" line from Bram. (Which is always a favorite, you know.) She says that she owns her body, heart, and soul, and that she willingly shares them with Bram. And that's a far more powerful statement to make than admitting to be someone's.

Also, guys, the sex. WHERE IT HAPPENS. o.O O.O O.o AWESOME.

The more Tessa Dare I read, the more I love her. And even though I've just requested the remaining three books in this series, I don't want it to end, since it'll be the last of her books I have left to read. *flaily flails*

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  • 16 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2015: Reviewed
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  • 16 May, 2015: Reviewed
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  • 16 May, 2015: Reviewed