One True Patriot by Sean Parnell

One True Patriot (Eric Steele, #3)

by Sean Parnell

Special operative Eric Steele must stop a foreign assassin targeting top-tier U.S. military personnel and derail a strike aimed at the heart of America in this third electrifying military thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of All Out War, perfect for fans of Brad Thor, Vince Flynn, and Tom Clancy

Two months after taking down terrorist Aleksandr Zakayev, Eric Steele is back in action. Though he is completing his Alpha assignments with the same deadly efficiency as always, he has lingering questions about his missing father-and his own future in the Program.

When Steele gets the alert that a fellow Alpha is in serious trouble, he rushes to Paris-only to arrive too late. Jonathan Raines, Stalker Six, is dead, the victim of a brutal attack. While on leave in the City of Light, Raines had met an attractive art historian who lured him into a trap. Before she vanished, the mysterious woman left a warning for anyone from the Alpha program who might follow her.

One of the best and most effective warriors in the top-secret Program, Steele has been trained to take on enemies, and no threat will deter him from avenging a fallen brother. But the killer won't be easy to find. The search takes Steele around the world, from France, to the Adriatic coast of Italy, to the outskirts of Aleppo, Syria, and to a top-secret prison in Russia- where, unexpectedly, he finds more clues about his father-before finally taking him back to the streets of Washington, D.C.

No one is safe while the killer is on the loose, and the danger is heightened when Steele discovers intel that killing Alphas is just the beginning of a larger, more nefarious plot. The real target is much, much bigger-and it's up to Steele to prevent catastrophe before he becomes the next elite warrior to fall.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

3 of 5 stars

This was an easy read. I don't necessary agree with the way the Author wrote some scenes or the way things unfolded. I don't want to spoil anything, but I don't think the last fight would have played out in real life. It also was just too "easy" for one lone wolf to take out the Top Dogs in the espionage field. I do like the characters and will give the other 2 books before a chance. If they don't have the same flaws as this one. The rest of my critique is more about choices the author made in writing.

One thing about these types of books that is hard to write, is how much detail do you add to a book. It's hard to find the line between too little and too much. For the most part the author struck a good balance and I liked that he wrote out the full word of the abbreviations, that is often used in these types of books. He just did it once and you remembered it. There was a few times I felt he just divulged information that I felt wasn't really needed or just too much.

Steel walked to the Main Command building in the first few chapters and there was at least a paragraph describing what he wore and why he wore it. It took up half a page, when he literally was just walking to work for a check in. Nothing happened, he wasn't gearing up for a mission or on a mission.

There were a few times that the Author divulged information about what was going to happen just a few sentences before they did. I did not like it, because that info was not needed and I think it took away from the scene. There was no surprises because the author told you about it.

In chapter four, "She killed him in an alleyway just off the River Seine." That sentenced was thrown in and then literally we have the scene play out, where she killed the Alpha. I think that kind of spoiled things, even though we knew who she was.

Which brings up another thing in that same chapter. We start with POV of an Alpha, then it switches in a few paragraphs revealing who the woman was, which makes it seem like the Alpha knew who she was. Because we started with the Alpha's POV and the way it was written, my first thought was he learned that information about her. I thought the identity of the woman, should have been revealed at the end of the that chapter, after she killed the Alpha. It just broke the suspense of that whole chapter. I did have a feeling, the woman was no good, when the chapter first started, but at the end, there was no surprises when the Alpha was killed swiftly, because we were told that info beforehand.

That type of thing, happened one more time. Where I thought, Why reveal something is about to happened? One sentenced was thrown in that revealed who was about to enter a room. Then there was a paragraph of two describing the scene and than you have the person walk into the room, which was a reveal for Steel, but not the readers, because you already told us.

I just didn't understand why you told us in one sentence what was going to happen. When in just a few moments, you write out the scene to show us.

I found one error, with wrong word choice where they put wound, instead of round. I assume that has already been reported and has no baring on my rating.

I won a free copy in a giveaway. I did enjoy the book and the characters. It was an easy read and had a good amount of action scenes. It would be a good book to read for somebody who likes these type of espionage books and is looking for something simple to read.

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  • 6 October, 2020: Reviewed