Windy City Dragon by Genevieve Jack

Windy City Dragon (Treasure of Paragon, #2)

by Genevieve Jack

A dragon prince. A vampire heiress. A kiss that could bring Chicago to its knees.

For decades he's posed as a human...

It's been a long time since Tobias spread his wings. The exiled dragon prince has worked hard to blend into the human world and practice his love for healing as a pediatric cardiologist.

She awakens the dragon within...

As a vampire-human hybrid, Sabrina is used to being different from the rest of her community. But all vampires need to feed. The night she chooses Tobias as her next meal, everything changes. He's far more than he seems, and if she doesn't protect his secret, it could cost him his life.

Can love remind him of who he truly is?

One kiss thrusts Tobias into the dark underground world of Chicago's vampires where his dragon nature is his only hope of protecting Sabrina. But Sabrina knows the only way to keep him safe is to push him away.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Narrated by Rock Engle each book in this series features the romance of one of the Paragon dragon siblings and we learn more about their escape/exile from Paragon. There is plenty of suspense both in the overall series ARC and the individual arcs as each finds their mate.

This story belongs to Tobias who unlike Gabriel hasn’t kept a hoard, or embraced his dragon side. in fact he has lived fully as a human and is respected pediatric cardiologist.

In the hospital he meets Sabrina. Who isn’t human but able to live in the sun and feed off both blood and energy. She is also the daughter of a very dangerous supernatural.

This tale was action packed and brought a lot of change to Tobias’s life. Raven and Gabriel arrive, since they are in hiding and his feelings for Sabrina are awaking his inner beast. Jack builds suspense using the forbidden troupe, enemies from within and cursed objects.

I got a little frustrated by the lack of communication between characters, but it wasn’t drawn out and at least felt genuine. The romance was both sweet and heated.

The tale had a nice balance between discover, romance and action. It kept me engaged and eager for more books in the series.

Dragons are thought to be extinct and the Vampire’s Forbears have ordered them to dangerous to exist. Forces in Paragon don’t want Tobias or his siblings alive. We learn how many siblings there are on earth and set out to find the next before this tale wraps up.

Rock Engle does a wonderful job with the different characters and added another level of enjoyment to this tale. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 7 July, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2019: Reviewed