Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Chloe grows up a little bit in this next installment in the series. After the death of her mother and her ineffectiveness in helping fight off the last attempt by the vampires to kidnap her, Chloe has really focused on her training and the development of her gifts. She an excellent marksman and also discovers that she has an affinity for fire...something that hasn't been found in a Vampire Hunter in many, many years.

She's also building a relationship with her grandfather and bonding with Drew, who still remains a mystery to her. She's also trying to find her place amongst her classmates. It's not easy for her, but she's trying to make a life within the Hunter community. But this also makes her question whether being there is safe for the other residents since she knows her father will stop at nothing to get her. That message comes to her loud and clear when a vampire attack leaves a few fellow hunters dead and Luke seriously injured.

Another great addition to the series. The characters are developing and the connection to them, as a reader, is growing.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 30 May, 2012: Reviewed