Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Colonial Salem BLURB:
The moment the stranger's dark eyes meet hers, Anne Scudder's world is immediately overthrown by chaos. That single flare of desire is immediate, driving away all notions of propriety. Instead, Anne is consumed with sinful thoughts - ones that no unmarried girl should ever have for a man who isn't her husband... But Josiah Cromwell is no stranger. It's been six years since Josiah stole kisses from Anne, his best friend's younger sister. Six years since Josiah left after his best friend's death, burdened by the knowledge that he was responsible for destroying Anne's family. Now he's returned to claim the woman he can't live without. But even as their desire threatens to consume them both - body and soul - the dark workings of suspicion and witchcraft are afoot. Because in Salem, too much passion can lead a woman to ruin... and condemned to death.
Having read the first book in the series I was quite enthused to receive a copy of An Unexpected Sin.This story took place during the time of the Salem Witch Trials. This was a very dangerous time in history where persons had to be very careful as the least appearance of the unusual could result in one being accused of witchcraft.An Unexpected Sin tells the story of Anne Scudder and Josiah Cromwell. These two were close friends since childhood, however due to tragedy in the Scudder family Josiah was forced to leave Salem. After several years of separation, Josiah decided to return home with the intention to make amends with the Scudder family and to Anne as his wife.Josiah’s past is shrouded with secrets. A secret which could cost him his life and the life of those dear and near to him if it were to be revealed and one that could lead him losing Anne. I found him to be lacking in faith as he doubted that he would not be able to be with Anne. Anne on the other hand was upbeat and very optimistic about their relationship. What I liked most about Anne is that her belief in Josiah never wavered.The author’s portrayal of the characters makes it easy for one to empathize with them and to understand why they believed they had to do the things they did.An Unexpected Sin is a poignant story of love, separation, secrets, guilt, forgiveness and healing.The lessons to be learnt from this story are :Painful secrets can destroy lives and cause emotional and physical pain.You should not blame yourself for someone else’s decision. We each have to take responsibility for our own actions and decisions.I enjoyed this story from beginning to end. If you love to read historical romance then get yourself a copy of An Unexpected Sin.DISCLOSURE: I WAS PROVIDED WITH AN ARC IN EXCHANGE FOR A HONEST REVIEW.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 April, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 April, 2014: Reviewed