Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Saving Grace is one of those books that you start reading and you can't stop. This Regency Romance novel has everything that you could love: a strong heroine, Grace, in a bad situation looking for hope and a way out; a handsome, stubborn male lead, Nicholas, who wants to fall for the heroine but things from his past still haunt him and he's worried about taking a chance on love; and then we have the other man, Samuel, that loves our heroine and wants her, but his past is also standing in his way towards happiness. Of course there are the other things that add to the drama like the manipulative, gambling father of our heroine and the snobby, heartless mother of our hero who wants nothing to do with the commoner Grace.

I loved the funny situations that Grace seems to always find herself in,many of them are of her own doing. She has learned how to be strong as she practically raised her younger siblings Helen and Christopher, by herself, while her widower father was out gambling and drinking. Grace is so likable a character that you want everything good to happen for her, but at times I wanted to shake her silly when it came to romantic love. The tension between brother-in- laws Nicholas and Samuel, was well written and felt throughout the story. Because of the death of Nicholas's sister Elizabeth,who was also Samuel's wife, the neighboring estates became places of sadness, hatred and revenge. Without giving too much away, I loved how Grace came in with her kind and loving disposition that ultimately changes things for both men.

I truly ended up loving this story! The great characters, interesting situations and wonderful storytelling will make Saving Grace a favorite among Regency Romance readers.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 October, 2014: Reviewed