Burned by P C Cast, Kristin Cast

Burned (House of Night, #7)

by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

'The pieces of her spirit are with the dead in the Otherworld,' Aphrodite said, blinking hard against the stinging of her red-tinged eyes. 'Zoey is completely gone.'

Zoey Redbird's soul has been shattered by the death of her high school sweetheart Heath, and she has followed him to the Otherworld. As the world threatens to fall under Neferet's control, the only hope is that Zoey might find the strength to bring her soul together again.

Stark, Zoey's Warrior, is determined to save her, no matter what the cost to himself. And Heath is only just beginning to understand that, in the Otherworld, the only way to save Zoey is to lose her - completely...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

this book totally redeemed the series I was starting to see the series was faltering on a down slope to where I was quite unsure if I was ever going to read this book, I've owned it since it came out, and yet just now picked it up and read it. Tempted was such a downer I'm gad this one changed it's pace it was quite refreshing. I liked how the main focus was on the other's besides Zoey....Especially Stevie Rae and Raphiem, as odd as it may seem I really hope they would become a couple and all. But knowing my luck they won't which is a shame because my gawd I'm fallin in love with these two characters and falling in love with them being together. Also with Heath dead and gone, I think Zoey is now down to only one guy kinda refreshing honestly....but I can't wait to read the next book to see what is in store for Zoey and her friends and if Kalona will evere break free from the pyscho B***h Neferet, kinda makes me feel bad for the guy in a way....what can I say always a sucker for the bad guys lol.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 March, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 March, 2011: Reviewed