Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

ONCE & FUTURE #9, available this Wednesday from Boom! Studios is a chilling tale that blends the past and the present through creative storytelling techniques. Duncan’s journey is far from over, with new threats rising up.

Duncan has been thrown into a world of lore and legends. A world where monsters really exist, and where the heroes of legend are sometimes not what they seem. Perhaps that makes his new status as a hero a bit ironic.

In Once & Future #9, Duncan finds his quest far from over. There’s a new monster on the loose, while others are still actively working against him and his family. It would be a challenge for anyone, but especially somebody so new to the ‘family business.’

Check out the rest of my review over at Monkeys Fighting Robots

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  • Started reading
  • 15 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2020: Reviewed