Suddenly Last Summer by Sarah Morgan

Suddenly Last Summer (O'Neil Brothers, #2)

by Sarah Morgan

When surgeon Sean O'Neil returns to his Vermont hometown for a family visit and encounters French chef Élise Philippe, with whom he had a one-night stand the previous summer, they are both tempted to pick up where they left off.

Amid the excitement and turmoil at summer's end, Dr. Steve announces that Camp Lakeview will soon close permanently, and while each camper reacts differently to the news, ultimately all come together and make the most of their remaining time. Book #20

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars


Coffee dates with Suddenly Last Summer

First date: Sean O’ Neil is an orthopedic surgeon and a dang good one. Athletes fly in from all over the world to seek his opinion and skilled hands. Sean is a workaholic and dedicated to his life’s passion. He rarely makes time for life outside of the hospital and trips to his family’s lodge. In part to an argument with a family member. Elise Philippe has found a home at the Snow Crystal resort, far from the painful memories of Paris. Last summer she and Sean shared a passionate encounter in the woods. She often thinks about that night, and when he returns for a family emergency, she seriously considers breaking her “one-night-rule.”

Second date: You can feel the chemistry between Sean and Elise and ooh-la-la. The banter, confessions, friendship and confusion the other elitists are delightful to observe. Elise loves Sean’s family, and she helps to mend the rift between Sean and his grandfather. Sean enjoys Elise’s company, and since she does not want a relationship either, he wants a repeat of the passion they shared last summer. It was such fun watching these two fight the emotions that developed. When Elise gets passionate or angry, she drops her “h’s” and switches to French. It is hilarious. Time with family and guests made Crystal Resort come to life for me. Morgan does a wonderful job drawing the reader in with these side stories and I adored them.

Third date: *le sigh* Morgan brings such heated passion to this couple and the romantic scenes while clean bring intense heat and give you all the feels. Some of the most romantic scenes EVER! Family meddling, fear, flight, heartbreak and realizations had my emotions all over the place as we move towards the final chapters of the book. I love the late night confessions and growth in the characters. I laughed, cried and worried as I held my breath; hoping for happily-ever-after. Throughout the novel, we learn more about the other key characters, and I cannot wait for Tyler’s story. You will need truffles for the final portion of this book, but rest assured I ended this date with a smile.

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 26 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 May, 2014: Reviewed