Angel by James Patterson

Angel (Maximum Ride, #7) (Maximum Ride: The Protectors)

by James Patterson

In the seventh book in the bestselling series, evil scientists are still trying to convince Max that she needs to save the world, this time by providing the genetic link in speeding up the pace of evolution. Worse, they're trying to convince her that her perfect mate is Dylan, the newest addition to the flock. The problem is that, despite herself, Max is starting to believe it. Fang travels the country collecting his own gang of evolved humans, but the two separate flocks must unite to defeat a frightening doomsday cult whose motto is Save the Planet: Kill the...Read more

Reviewed by Hixxup on

3 of 5 stars

I had to give this one 3 stars because I hate the fact that Max and Fang are separated and I hate the fact that Patterson have both max and fang throwing dylan and maya in each othets faces. I just hate hate hate the way this series is ending up as, the end of the world sure I can handle that, but max and fang not together that's just bullshit and needs to be rectified.

another member is her review haf stated to Patterson to get them back together ifnot for himself but for his readers who have followed these two since the beginning of it all.

I feel I was robbed of the potential of their relationship by a couple of clones. you're joking right?!?!?!?
let the clones have each other its not like dylan would be losing out after all, I mean maya us max II after all.

angel in the last book will either be the ultimate hero or ultimate villain, from knowing throughout this series I'm going towards the ultimate villain route.

I just hope patterson won't do us wrong by keeping fang and max apart.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 May, 2011: Reviewed