Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

Volume 8 marks the official transition from Brian K. Vaughn’s writing to Joss Whedon’s works. This is an important fact because there’s a slight change in tone, and knowing the writer swap pretty quickly clears that up. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments in this volume (many of them involving the Punisher, believe it or not), but there’s also some pretty heavy points to, and they’re decently balanced out.

Since the cast seems to keep changing, here’s the current Runaways lineup: Nico, Chase, Karolina, Molly, Victor, and Xavin. It’s worth noting that this line-up changes at the end of this volume. Clearly you have to stay on your toes to keep up with who’s in and who’s out.

(show spoiler)

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  • 20 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 July, 2017: Reviewed