Vipers Run by Stephanie Tyler

Vipers Run (A Skulls Creek Novel, #1)

by Stephanie Tyler

The Vipers Motorcycle Club has strict rules for their brotherhood and the women who enter it. Now one Viper is about to find out how much trouble one woman can be…
Former Army Ranger Christian Cage Owens joined the Vipers Motorcycle Club for its sense of brotherhood. In return, he pledged to live outside the law, protecting club members and their families, as well as keeping other MCs out of Skulls Creek. But when Cage discovers that a rival MC—one Cage has an all too familiar past with—plans to push meth into his town, he calls an old Army buddy turned private investigator who’s helped the Vipers in the past. By doing so, Cage endangers both his friend and Calla Benson, a woman who works in the PI’s office. Now he’s made it his mission to track Calla down and do whatever it takes to protect her.
Thanks to the phone call with Cage, Calla knows she’s formed a deep connection to a dangerous man.  She quickly discovers that although he may live by a different set of rules, Cage is an honorable man who wants to be more than her protector—if only she can accept his dangerous lifestyle.  But Calla comes to Skulls Creek with her own set of secrets…secrets that threaten to tear her and Cage—and the Vipers MC—apart.  As they put their newfound love to the ultimate test, Cage will risk everything he cares about to save her…

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Aspects:
• An interesting storyline regarding Former Army Ranger Christian Cage Owens, the small town of Skull Creek. Danger, turf wars and family made the tale interesting.

• I found the life of the Vipers to be bizarre and fascinating. Their code, sense of family, hierarchy and impact on this small town were not what I expected.

• It was interesting how honorable these men were despite their activities, especially those that skirted around the law. For example, it was ok to run a chop shop, sell guns overseas but try to sell crack to kids, and they will take you out.

• Relationships between the woman and men were fascinating. Not my cup of tea by any means, but the dynamics and “mine” mentality intrigued me. Tyler broke down the groups of woman, and allowed us to be privy to the inter-working of the group.

• The characters were unique and had their own voice. I liked Cage, even if he had some alpha tendencies. He protected those he loves and is loyal. Calla was colorful, and her back history allowed me to sympathizes, despite how damaged she was.

Decaffeinated Aspects:
• Major insta-love. I give Tyler credit for a unique form of insta-love and despite rolling my eyes in the beginning I did feel the connection between them, and wanted them to find their happy.

• The tale was developed, but I would have appreciated more details. Some of the secondary characters that piqued my interest saw very little page time. I am hoping we eventually get their stories. This was a small town community and I wanted those side-stories.

• Sometimes I felt the intense action scenes were rushed, particularly about the villain. The climactic scene towards the end progressed rapidly and skipped details. It was intense but was snuffed out way to fast making me feel cheated.

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2014: Reviewed