Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

SWEET CHEEKS was one of those books that has been on my radar. I was looking forward to reading something from K. Bromberg that wasn't in the Driven world (even though I love that world very much.

SWEET CHEEKS is a great second chance romance. A Hollywood superstar finding a way to finally go back and figure out how to right things with his high school sweetheart.

There wasn't much Hollywood about Hayes. He was down to earth, sweet and would do anything for those people he feels closest to. Nothing provided that more than him being willing to do whatever he could to help he best friend's little sister, his ex, Saylor. He knew he screwed up with her and he regretted all of it, but he was still willing to put himself out there in hopes that he could bring back the Saylor with a spark, not the one beaten down by her fledgeling business and the ugly town gossip stirred by her ex-finance's mother.

Saylor was easy to like. She was one of those woman who tried to keep a stiff upper lip when she wanted nothing more than to tell everyone to "eff off" with her quick temper. But she was also broken by losing Hayes the way she did and also having her ex so quickly replace her with a look-a-like Saylor. She needed a confidence boost and determined Hayes was going to make sure she got it.

I loved the departure from all the angsty. The characters had fun, bickered and sometimes fought, but there was never a doubt these two were going to end up with one another. Add in their explosive sexual chemistry and it gives you the perfect ingredients for the perfect romance book to spend an afternoon with.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Reviewed