Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

A sexy new take on the classic Beauty and the Beast, this short story has a great plot, some BDSM/bondage and a sweet romance. The Baron, Simon, is scarred, emotionally and physically. He’s accepted himself as a beast until he realizes just how lonely he is. Searching for a compatible companion, Simon finds Hortense, an extreme beauty, and offers her a proposition – one night of extreme pleasure. Hortense reluctantly agrees.

From here, the story really evolves. It goes above and beyond to show just how beautiful flaws and imperfections can be and explores how deeply touching it can be to open ones self up to someone and get to know who they truly are before passing judgment. Hortense and Simon are so wonderfully written that it’s easy for the reader to fall in love with each of them equally. The connection that the two of them make also makes their night full of pleasure all the more intense and scorching hot. It does contain some bondage for those who enjoy some of their nights a little tied up.

Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 July, 2013: Reviewed