The Rancher's Fake Fiancée by Amy Vastine

The Rancher's Fake Fiancée (Return of the Blackwell Brothers, #4)

by Amy Vastine

"I'm coming home...with my bride-to-be"

Hadley Sullivan only agreed to marry her boss, Tyler Blackwell, in exchange for a promotion. But moving up the corporate ladder pales beside her growing feelings for Tyler. Will his past secrets sabotage what Hadley wants more than anything-a real wedding?

Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Tyler had no favorites. No favorite color. No favorite food. Which may not sound significant yet it was very important to the story. You see, he had always felt like the unwanted child. The insignificant one. Even as he grew up, he felt that he never measured up to his brothers and probably never could. The theme of having favorites was woven nicely throughout the story in a significant way.

Tyler was pretty funny. He was one of those people who gets so wrapped up in what they are doing, their actions could be perceived as selfish, and yet his motivations weren’t selfish – he was just oblivious. Like when he purchased a first-class airline ticket for himself and a regular seat for Hadley who was traveling with him and for him. As his fake fiancée! It cracked me up when he did that and the way the scene played out actually made him a little endearing.

I have been enjoying this series and love how each of the authors so expertly ties the stories together as a different brother returns ever so reluctantly to the family ranch. The way the brothers finally got Tyler to return was quite funny. But don’t make the mistake of thinking this story is all laughter. The insecurity issues that both Tyler and Hadley have to work through are typical of those way too many people deal with in real life every day. Both of them ended up feeling the need to lie to the other – under duress – which caused some big issues to be worked through.

While I am gladly anticipating the final book in this series, I am a little sad knowing the next book will be the finale. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the Blackwell brothers and the women they grow to love.

Read my full review with a Preview at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 27 December, 2018: Reviewed