Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

5 of 5 stars

I was excited to return to Alstone High where we get the story of the final King of Alstone, Xavier and his girl Imogen.

Xavier and Imogen were a couple to be reckoned with but everyone told them that they were too young and needed to experience other things so they thought it would be the right thing to do. Once they return to school and are around each other all the time, their pull may prove to be too much.

I got so frustrated with Xavier and Imogen how they could not see how much they were meant to be with each other and attempted to fill their voids. I was glad that the other Kings were in the book and now all of our Kings have their HEA's. My biggest complaint is that I wanted more.

Rating … 4.5 Maple Leafs
Genre/Trope … High School Romance, Second Chance Romance
Point of View … First-Person (Xaiver and Imogen)

*advanced copy requested and honestly reviewed on behalf of Canadian Girl Book Blog*

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  • 28 June, 2021: Finished reading
  • 28 June, 2021: Reviewed