Lady Mechanika Volume 5 by M. M. Chen, Joe Benitez

Lady Mechanika Volume 5

by M. M. Chen and Joe Benitez

Lady Mechanika's investigation into her forgotten
past is overshadowed by concern for her associate Mr. Lewis when he becomes
enamored of a beautiful and enigmatic young widow, whose own past seems
disturbingly linked to the untimely deaths of several creative geniuses. Will
Mr. Lewis be next?

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Lady Mechanika Vol. 5 through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I was so unbelievably excited when I saw that the fifth volume of Lady Mechanika was available on NetGalley. I've been hooked on this series for a while now, and had been truly looking forward to the next volume.
Lady Mechanika follows a woman who has been partially turned into, well, mechanics. She doesn't know who did it to her, or why. But she's determined to find out. The whole series has covered her quest for these answers. Oh, did I mention the best part? The world has a steampunk style, with the tech and art style to go along with it.
This series originally caught my attention thanks to the beautiful covers. And you'll be happy to hear that the artwork inside the pages is just as striking! The artwork has quickly become one of my favorites, and one of the reasons that I will always read this series given the option.

Lady Mechanika: La Bella Dame Sans Merci was everything I hoped it would be, and then some. It was fast-paced, surprisingly emotional, and full of interesting plot points. I didn't expect the plot to go the way it did, but I have to appreciate the decisions made here.
The artwork was absolutely beautiful, but I've come to expect that from this series. The plot was tense and fascinating. But still, I have to point out how much I loved it. As per usual, I found the covers to be especially striking. Though there were some scenes inside that also deserved note (but describing them would be spoiling things).
I was surprised by the emotions that volume five brought out in me. I guess I shouldn't have been though – a previous volume broke my heart, after all. At least this time around it didn't make me want to cry. Still, I have to give credit to the writers for being able to pull out so many emotions from their readers.
I feel like this volume introduced some new elements, and while they weren't technical or steampunk, they were pretty interesting. And I have to admit that I'll be curious to see what sort of character development it leads to. Especially in the long run.
Also, the more I see her the more I like Fred. She's so cute but so determined. I know she was like that before, but I feel like we're starting to see a bit more of Lady Mechanika's influence on her. And I feel like Allie is a brilliant mirror for her, in almost every element.
I'm so pumped that the latest volume of the series is out. This series is absolutely worth the wait, of course, but it's always nice when the wait is over. Granted, now I'm back to waiting for volume there's that. Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

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  • 3 May, 2019: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2019: Reviewed