Ready to Wed by J L Berg

Ready to Wed (Ready)

by J L Berg

Move on.
Move forward.

With the wedding on the horizon and their future uncertain, Clare and Logan must keep their eyes on the prize--a lifetime together. That's the goal. They both know that there are no guarantees in life. But after a long road filled with trials and tears, they're finally on the other side--a sandy white beach where beginnings are made. As Clare Murray becomes Mrs. Logan Matthews, they both learn what the fight really means: family, future, forever.

Includes bonus short story, Never Been More Ready.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I loved Clare and Logan's story in WHEN YOU'RE READY, so I was happy to get to read how their tropical wedding went. J. L. Berg doesn't disappoint with a wedding for Clare and Logan that is so them...full of laughter, a little emotional drama and some very sexy times.

Clare and Logan went through a lot in their story to get to their HEA, so I knew not to expect their quickly put together wedding to go off with some kind of hiccup. But what we got was so Logan and Clare and it proved just how much these two were meant to be together. Their love for each other came through on every page and made me feel like I was right there with him.

As with everything JL Berg writes, I found myself immersed in the story and really didn't want to have it end. The characters and storylines are wonderfully engaging and have me craving the next book from the author. If you haven't picked up a book by JL Berg, definitely considering starting with Clare and Logan's story and ending with their "perfect for them" wedding in READY TO WED.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2014: Reviewed