Watch by Robert J. Sawyer

Watch (WWW Trilogy, #2)

by Robert J. Sawyer

Caitlin Decter could never have anticipated what was coming when she first sensed a strange presence on the internet.

Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended blind mathematics genius Caitlin Decter and has grown eager to learn about her world.

But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH - the secret government agency that monitors the internet for any threat to the United States - and they're fully aware of Caitlin's involvement in its awakening.

WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind's capacity for compassion - and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

Book #2 in this trilogy does the opposite of what a lot of typical middle trilogy books do - it actually drives the story forward with a lot of action, something that I thought was lacking in [b:WWW: Wake|4418395|WWW Wake (WWW, #1)|Robert J. Sawyer||4466559].

Sawyer's writing isn't the strongest, but I enjoyed that he's written an AI story where the AI isn't trying to take over the world or kill humans or any of the typical AI-gone-wrong scenarios.

I am wondering what could possibly be in the 3rd book of the trilogy, though. Books #1 and 2 felt like they really could have been edited down to one volume, and WWW: Watch doesn't end on a cliffhanger. I feel like if I wanted to, I could easily stop reading here. However, I do have the third volume from the library already, and this one went by quickly enough that I'll go ahead and finish things.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 18 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2013: Reviewed