Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier

Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now

by Jaron Lanier

'A blisteringly good, urgent, essential read' ZADIE SMITH

Jaron Lanier, the world-famous Silicon Valley scientist-pioneer and 'high-tech genius' (Sunday Times) who first alerted us to the dangers of social media, explains why its toxic effects are at the heart of its design, and explains in ten simple arguments why liberating yourself from its hold will transform your life and the world for the better.

Social media is making us sadder, angrier, less empathetic, more fearful, more isolated and more tribal. In recent months it has become horribly clear that social media is not bringing us together – it is tearing us apart. In Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now Jaron Lanier draws on his insider's expertise to explain precisely how social media works – by deploying constant surveillance and subconscious manipulation of its users – and why its cruel and dangerous effects are at the heart of its current business model and design. As well as offering ten simple arguments for liberating yourself from its addictive hold, his witty and urgent manifesto outlines a vision for an alternative that provides all the benefits of social media without the harm.

So, if you want a happier life, a more just and peaceful world, or merely the chance to think for yourself without being monitored and influenced by the richest corporations in history, then the best thing you can do, for now, is delete your social media accounts – right now. You will almost certainly become a calmer and possibly a nicer person in the process.

Reviewed by Joséphine on

4 of 5 stars

Initial thoughts: This book lent a fair bit of clarity to my own thoughts about social media. The only reason I still have a Facebook account is that it helps me connect with friends who live abroad. I deleted WhatsApp years ago but set it up again earlier this year while travelling. Now I check it once or twice a day just to be sure I'm in the loop with my sports teams. Otherwise, I would've been out again.

On the flip side, I appreciate that social media allows me to connect to people who love the same sort of books and share other interests. For the exchange of information and ideas — great. However, to keep up with my friends, I've found scrolling through Facebook can be rather banal. I'd rather meet up and do something together.

Listening to the audiobook reminded me of other cons of social media, such as the concentration of power in the hands of Google and Facebook. It can also be a time suck if we're not careful and make us feel more in touch with people than we think. As of now, I won't be deleting my accounts but I will approach them with greater intentionality.

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  • 9 September, 2018: Reviewed