A Different Kind of Sentinel by E J Drury, II, Sir E J Drury II

A Different Kind of Sentinel

by E J Drury, II and Sir E J Drury II

This is the true story of one hopelessly lost, young man's search for soul and her struggle to reunite the two of them before he is robbed of the very humanity that binds them to the same body. For in his eyes, only he is real, and she, but a dream, or so it seems until this indentured sailor stumbles into her world, the womb of his imagination, and she, his, in their indefatigable search for that one person they are destined to become.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

I really wanted to like this story of a man and his fight to get free of the Navy but really it wasn't to be. It was a story that might appeal to someone who is interested in the psychological reaction of someone having to go against his conscience and the almost-shamanic way in which he has to deal with this issue.

There are some quirks that just don't gel quite right. He uses 'n' for and everywhere and 'm for him. He also has some long speeches that don't quite ring true for his circumstance.

This basically is a transcript of his hearing to determine his fitness to serve, and I'm sure if I had heard it I would have decided that he wasn't suited to warfare. Being under the discipline of a branch of the military did his psyche damage that he had to face up to while also trying to stay alive.

There's either a good fiction story or a good biography lurking under the prose here, unfortunately it doesn't work for me and I would have a sneaking suspicion that it has a limited audience.

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  • 20 August, 2009: Reviewed