Dragon Age Volume 1: The Silent Grove by David Gaider

Dragon Age Volume 1: The Silent Grove (Dragon Age)

by David Gaider

Dragon Age: The Silent Grove is the perfect introduction to BioWare's dark fantasy universe! In this essential, canonical story from David Gaider, lead writer of the games, King Alistair, accompanied only by rogues Isabela and Varric, embarks on a quest deep inside the borders of Antiva—a nation of assassins! Together, they will encounter a prison break, dragons, the mysterious Witch of the Wilds, and one of the greatest secrets in the history of the world!

* Story by David Gaider, lead writer of the Dragon Age games and novels!

* Collecting Dragon Age #1–#6!

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

Anyone who has ever played Dragon Age knows it’s one of those games with a lot of lore packed into it. I mean everywhere you go you uncover more history and it becomes world rich in history. It’s also one of those games that you want to see more about, especially if you actually read all of the lore like I do. So this graphic novel is the perfect place to find out more about it all, including some of your favorite characters from the games.

As soon as I saw the cover I knew this would be something worth reading, you have the three most sarcastic people of the DA universe traveling together. I will say that Varric and Isabela are a bit toned down in this so some of the things you would expect them to say are not quite what you get from the games, but they are still themselves. Alistar remains true to the character you’ve grown to know, he still worries about everything and he’s still rather pessimistic when it comes to his path. The story itself is rather interesting and really gives you a great glimpse at some of the things merely mentioned in the two games. We get to see Antiva, though it’s far from anything I pictured it’s still pretty cool to get a glimpse of it. I rather like the inclusion of some new dragon lore as well as the Witch of Wilds, and I’m rather curious as to what all will happen with Alistair after this book. The art is really dynamic and colorful, and really helped the story come to life.

I’d say this is definitely for those who are a fan of the Dragon Age games, and not so much someone who is new to all of it. While it’s not vital to the story to know the games, it will certainly effect how you perceive this if you have no clue what’s being referenced to and you might enjoy it less. This hits shelves tomorrow so make sure to check it out if you visit the graphic novel section!

I received this from Dark Horse and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 May, 2012: Reviewed