Shadow's Voice by Natalie Johanson

Shadow's Voice

by Natalie Johanson

Rose Trewin is running from her past. She would run from her magic too, if she could, but her ability to move through shadows like a wraith isn’t going anywhere. She hopes for a simple life, forgotten and unknown. When a promise to take a message to the king turns deadly, Rose must decide what matters more: disappearing into the night or the fate of her country. She soon finds herself at the center of a conspiracy and political intrigue. Relying on her skills as a spy, Rose must seek out the center of the plot. However, when her magic begins to change and new, unknown creatures are emerging from the shadows, she quickly realizes more is at stake.

Long dead evils are returning
Forgotten magics are awakening
And Rose must face her past to accept her future

Reviewed by Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub on

2 of 5 stars

First, I would like to thank Netgalley for providing me with this book, in exchange for an honest review. I have a few thoughts that I’m going to try to get out in a way that makes sense.

I’ll be honest: I didn’t love this book. I had some problems with the word usage. Several words were used often enough that it was noticeable and distracting. Words such as “drawl,” that are usually used sparingly, if at all, were used quite a lot more than I would have liked. That is just my personal preference. However, I felt that if those words were interspersed with others a little better, they would have been less of a distraction from the book.

It also seemed as if the author has something against using pronouns. Proper nouns were used a lot, even when a pronoun or differently worded sentence would have served better. I don’t know if that’s something the editor would suggest changing, or if it’s just that the author’s writing style didn’t jive with me.

I did like that the story started up right away. This was a fast-paced book, full of action. Rose was tough and self-sufficient, and her brand of magic was incredibly unique. I think what I liked best about the book though, was Micah’s relationship with Rose. He was the most believable of the characters and a good addition to the story.

While far from being a horrible book, it’s probably not one that I’ll go out my way to look for a sequel to.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 March, 2019: Finished reading
  • 11 March, 2019: Reviewed