Maximum Bob by Elmore Leonard

Maximum Bob

by Elmore Leonard

The New York Times bestselling author of Be Cool and Get Shorty When someone delivers an alligator to Judge Bob Gibbs' porch, there's no shortage of suspects - hard-sentencing, womanising redneck 'Maximum Bob' is pretty much the most unpopular man in Florida. Throw into the mix the Crowe clan - about as primitive and aggressive as any alligator - a doped-up doctor on early release with a tag, quick-witted probation officer Kathy Baker, a mermaid and a long-dead slave girl called Wanda, and things get a tad complicated. And inevitably, they don't work out the way you might expect'

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

4 of 5 stars

I’ve got a stack of these I’ve been using as palate cleansers between other books, and thank God Elmore is so prolific because it would break my heart to run out any time soon.

Kathy Baker is like Karen Sisco’s little sister, and Dewey Crowe and maybe Dale Jr. are by far the bright shining lights of the Crowe family, holy shit.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 July, 2012: Reviewed