Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

The Alchemists Academy books are a fun new twist on a magical school. The magic is very different from what you would find in Harry Potter. The magical system is based on Merlin and The Lady of the Lake. I liked this a lot because I've read a lot of stories about King Arthur and the Sorcerer Merlin. Of course from the title, Alchemy is studied at the school. The characters in the story are distinct, from silly Princess Priscilla, to the studious Spencer, the serious Alana and then to main character Wirt, orphaned and misjudged by those around him. The school is in another realm in a HUGE tree. They travel around in huge tubes within the tree. There were many fun and different ideas that were original to this story. I think that fans of magical schools will truly enjoy these books. Also, tweens and YA readers will enjoy the characters, the challenges, and the mysteries that await them at the Alchemists Academy.

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  • 28 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2012: Reviewed