Royal Bridesmaids by Stephanie Laurens, Gaelen Foley, Loretta Chase

Royal Bridesmaids

by Stephanie Laurens, Gaelen Foley, and Loretta Chase

Presents three stories about royal weddings. In "A Return Engagement," Lady Nell Daughtry accompanies the wedding party when her sister weds the Prince of Lautenberg, only to be greeted by a man from her past. In "The Imposter Bride," Lady Minerva must ensure her country's princess is wed to Prince Tor, but when the bride bolts, the bridesmaid must become the bride! In "Lord Lovedon's Duel," when Chloe Sharp hears the Earl of Lovedon say her sister's royal marriage is a match made in money, she challenges him to a duel, for love and honor.

Reviewed by e_rodz_leb on

3 of 5 stars

Short, fun read.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 July, 2013: Reviewed