The Last Werewolf (The Last Werewolf 1) by Glen Duncan

The Last Werewolf (The Last Werewolf 1) (The Last Werewolf Trilogy)

by Glen Duncan

For two centuries Jacob Marlowe has wandered the world, enslaved by his lunatic appetites and tormented by the memory of his first and most monstrous crime. Now, the last of his kind, he knows he can't go on. But as Jake counts down to suicide, a violent murder and an extraordinary meeting plunge him straight back into the desperate pursuit of life.

Reviewed by Michael @ Knowledge Lost on

5 of 5 stars

Glen Duncan’s take on the werewolf mythology, is gritty, violent and over sexed. Jake Marlowe is the last werewolf alive, with the pending extinction of his new race will he give up? The tone and voice Duncan has created is almost perfect, making this an interesting take on the genre. It is nothing like the popular style of werewolves in the paranormal genre, this is dark but too heavy on his libido. It focusing on the conflict within Jake; is he a man or is he a monster and his will to live a life like this or to give up. This book is an existential horror, nicely played out and nothing like YA werewolves. The different forces within Jake Marlowe is what makes this book worth reading, not the sex or violence.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 5 November, 2011: Reviewed