Ten Little Dinosaurs (Eyeball Animation) by Pattie Schnetzler

Ten Little Dinosaurs (Eyeball Animation)

by Pattie Schnetzler

A pair of crazy eyeballs built into this boldly illustrated hardbound book jiggle and wiggle from page to page and dinosaur to dinosaur.

Both fun and informative, children and parents will be repeating this story's catchy rhyme long after the first reading. A great book for young dinosaur enthusiasts and an ideal counting book for younger ages as well.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

2 of 5 stars

I remember finding the eyes to be a tad creepy since they rolled around and if you tilted it too far they rolled backwards. It wasn't a book I kept for a very long, but I remember it being a little odd to read as well.

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  • 7 May, 2012: Reviewed