When it's Right by Jennifer Ryan

When it's Right (Montana Men, #2)

by Jennifer Ryan

Everything's bigger in Big Sky country, including the hearts of the Montana Men Wide open sky, rolling green hills ...Gillian Tucker could get used to life in the country-one far from the violence she left behind in San Francisco. Warily accepting an invitation to the Montana ranch that belongs to her grandfather, a man she's never met, Gillian hopes this is the haven she seeks. A sexy, overbearing cowboy who shines a light on her well-hidden dreams is not at all part of her plans. Blake Bowden's reckless past is far behind him, and as a newly named co-owner of Three Peaks Ranch, he's not taking any chances. Until a beautiful, haunted woman arrives, igniting a desire he shouldn't feel. His partner's granddaughter is strictly off limits. But the longer Gillian's there, the stronger the pull grows between them. And when a new danger surfaces, Blake will do anything to keep her safe...even if it means risking everything for her heart.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

When It’s Right by Jennifer Ryan is the second novel in the Montana Men series and folks I am lovin’ it. The series has a small-town vibe, a little heat and each book deals with a Bowden brother..Yee-ha! Ryan blends suspense into the tales and does it all in Big Sky country. I loved this as much as the first novel. My only struggle is deciding which brother I love more.

When It’s Right is part of a series, but each book works as a standalone and involves one brother. We were made aware of Gillian Tucker’s arrival to the Three Peaks Ranch in At Wolf’s Ranch, but no details were given other than she’d had some trouble. Whoa, baby has she ever.

I admired Gillian and connected immediately. I think most women will find her courageous. She is a little skittish and a whole lot of brave. Blake Bowden is co-owner of the ranch where Gillian’s grandparents reside. He handles the day to day managing of the horses and books. The man is F-I-N-E fine. The synopsis says he is overbearing but I disagree he is like a horse whisper for Gillian. A women whisper?!?

The romance had a nice slow build despite the immediate attraction. They begin with trust and friendship and it was so sweet seeing how gentle Blake was and watching Gillian come into her own. There is heat but it is very much-closed doors. I did not miss it, as the tender moments and delicious banter gave me the entire swoon I needed.

Secondary characters both old and new added depth and lent to the small-town charm I adore in these types of stories. We see Gabe and Ella from book one, along with Blake’s other brothers and parents. A certain adorable young man will make you smile and a ranch hand named Jeff needs a story. *hint Ms. Ryan*

Ryan weaves suspense into these stories adding a little danger and ramping up my enjoyment. The threat is realistically done and balances out the tale. It completely removes the “couple drama” typical in contemporary romances without overwhelming the story. It falls smack dab in-between the two genres and I want more.

If you have not tried the Montana Men series and love small-town contemporary romances and romantic suspense I encourage you to go, go forth and lose yourself to the Bowden brothers and When It's Right!

Copy provided by publisher This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 28 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 February, 2015: Reviewed