The Light Fantastic by Combs Sarah

The Light Fantastic

by Combs Sarah

Seven tightly interwoven narratives. Three harrowing hours. One fateful day that changes everything.

Delaware, the morning of April 19. Senior Skip Day, and April Donovan’s eighteenth birthday. Four days after the Boston Marathon bombing, the country is still reeling, and April’s rare memory condition has her recounting all the tragedies that have cursed her birth month. And just what was that mysterious gathering under the bleachers about? Meanwhile, in Nebraska, Lincoln Evans struggles to pay attention in Honors English, distracted by the enigmatic presence of Laura Echols, capturer of his heart. His teacher tries to hold her class’s interest, but she can’t keep her mind off what Adrian George told her earlier. Over in Idaho, Phoebe is having second thoughts about the Plan mere hours before the start of a cross-country ploy led by an Internet savant known as the Mastermind. Is all her heartache worth the cost of the Assassins’ machinations? The Light Fantastic is a tense, shocking, and beautifully wrought exploration of the pain and pathos of a generation of teenagers on the brink—and the hope of moving from shame and isolation into the light of redemption.

Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

"One thing. One face. That's all they see.. People aren't always what you think they are."

Told from seven different perspectives we get to see what happens across the country on April 19th.
April Donovan, Lincoln Evans, Gavin, Sandra Heslip, The Mastermind, Phoebe, and Pallav Gakhar.

The main character does appear to be April, but after the first little bit we don't get to see her as much instead the focus goes onto someone called 'The Mastermind'. Who has brought multiple different fellow teenagers together to take out their bully or someone who has 'ruined' their lives. Yes, this is extreme but as the book goes on you can see how this happened to all of them and why they ended up following 'The Masterminds' plan.

"One Nation, Under the Assassins, Indivisible, with Revenge and Punishment for all."

In the Light Fantastic not only do we see things from the people wanting revenge but two of the people trying to stop it and one that shows what the others are doing while the person is getting revenge.

"Look. Look at me. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you, and I am having no more of his. No more of it. Starting now this nightmare is done. This minute."

This is a hard book to read not just because of how often the events that happened in this book happen in real life, but because of how real it felt. You could feel all the emotions that the characters were feeling and the fear and the anger were real.
I am glad I did end up reading this one, and it did show some motives as to what makes people break.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2017: Reviewed