Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Baked Fresh is the second book in the Portland Heat series, which is a standalone M/M novel.

Vic has set himself life changing goals in the past few years and as the end of the current year is on the horizon, he's thinking about a new resolution for the coming year. He decides to stop hook-ups and begin dating in the hope of finding a special someone to share his life with. Sounds easy, except Vic knows exactly who he wants to date... someone who he's had his eye on for a while. Someone not interested in dating, not that he thinks he has a chance with the guy anyway!

Robin volunteers at Victory Mission, a place that helped to save him when life got really tough a couple of years ago. He's recently come out of a relationship so helping out at the Mission is something he enjoys to do. He loves spending times with the other volunteers including Vic, the guy who delivers baked goods from his work place. He likes Vic, but has swore off dating. Forever!

Both Vic and Robin have had a fair share of challenges throughout their lives and their tentative relationship brings more issues to the surface. The author has a knack of wringing out all the emotional insecurities of her protagonists in a caring way, as sensitive topics are broached throughout the story line.

What I love about the guys' relationship is that it isn't rushed. Yes, it is hot and sexy, but not in an insta-love kind of way. They take their time to compromise and work through their problems, supporting and comforting each other when needed.

I've previously read Served Hot, so was a nice touch to see Robby and David at the place on Alberta eating from the vegan buffet. I loved Vic's thoughts about Robby too, although Robin didn't ;-)

Overall another fun and sexy book in this very enjoyable series.

4 stars

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2015: Reviewed