The Golden Spiral by Lisa Mangum

The Golden Spiral (Hourglass Door Trilogy, #2)

by Lisa Mangum

When Dante, a Master of Time, is sent into the past to find Zo, Tony, and V, Abby knows that he will need her help to prevent the trio from destroying time itself, but soon things start to change as Zo targets Abby's past.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Wow! That is the first thing I said after reading "The Golden Spiral". It is the sequel to the very popular, "The Hourglass Door" by author Lisa Mangum, that came out last year. The third book in the trilogy, "The Forgotten Locket" will be coming out Summer 2011.

When I first started reading I was very confused. In the prologue I was desperately trying to remember all of the characters and what they had done in book one. I highly suggest that you re-read "The Hourglass Door" again before reading "The Golden Spiral". Once you get to chapter one, things start making sense again.

To read more of my review of The Golden Spiral go to my blog

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2010: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2010: Reviewed