Curse Words Volume 1: The Devil's Devil by Charles Soule

Curse Words Volume 1: The Devil's Devil

by Charles Soule

A wizard has appeared in present-day New York! His name is Wizord, and he's here to save us all from dark magical forces bent on our destruction. He's the best wizard of all time! Or... he's not, and he's lying to everyone, and secretly is the dark magical force, but wants to hang out in our world for a while because it's so much nicer than the hellhole he comes from. Secrets, and spells, and talking koalas - CURSE WORDS is a gonzo dark fantasy from CHARLES SOULE (Daredevil, Letter 44, Star Wars) and RYAN BROWNE (God Hates Astronauts). Collects Issues 1-5.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars

Curse Words is one of the weirdest comics I’ve read lately and unlike so many others it kind of works.

Our main character is Wizord, a powerful….wizard, who finds himself trying to become the protector of our world. There is magic, a talking koala, and lots of really bizarre side characters. I’ll be honest and say half of the time I was wondering what the hell I was reading, as it has quirk in excess, but I really enjoyed the humor and the whole ‘magic at a cost’ theme that keeps popping up. Margaret, the talking koala mentioned previously, is probably my favorite though. She’s the voice of reason for Wizord, something I sorely need sometimes, and also she’s a koala…so it’s not like any other character stood a chance at being my favorite. I’m biased towards talking animals.

The story itself is quite good even with all the weird curve balls and world building. I’m all for stories about characters trying to defy the odds and change who they are, especially if those stories include all the ways they can mess up. Wizord messes up in big ways and he only realizes it about half of the time. This volume ends with several revelations and a new direction for a secondary character, and I have to say I am really curious to see how it goes.

The art is colorful and detailed, and really fits the odd mix of serious and quirky.

Overall while I’m still on the fence of how I feel about it exactly, I do think it works. It’s not going to win any awards for being incredibly deep or life-changing, but it’s fun. It’s the perfect read for a day when you need a dose of the weird. I’ll definitely be finding a copy of the second copy when I can.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2018: Reviewed