Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Can Emory and Mason forget the past and have a second chance at love?

When Emory and Mason meet in college, she is an aspiring ballerina and he is a college quarterback hoping to make it into the NFL. They date, fall in love and make plans for the future. When Mason's dream comes true and he is drafted into the NFL after college, his relationship with Emory falls apart and they break up.

Six years later they have a chance meeting while Mason is in town interviewing with the Charlotte Panthers. Emory is now a successful photographer living in Charlotte. They realize they still have stong feeling for each other and start to date. However, they both have secrets they are afraid to share with each other.

Mason and Emory are strong likable characters and have a powerful chemistry. Mason is an alpha-male who is protective, warm and caring. I fell for Mason instantly and admired the way he treated Emory. Emory is a loving, strong-minded woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to speak her mind.

Besides the two main characters, there were some great secondary characters that added to the story. For example, Emory's gay roommate, Wesley is funny and always there for Emory when she needs a shoulder to lean on. Than there is Mason's brother, Steven who negotiates all of Mason's contracts and also insists on giving his opinion on everything in Mason's life.

This is a wonderfully written, heartwarming story. I loved everything about this book and once I started it, I found it hard to put down.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

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  • 3 June, 2013: Reviewed