Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

Thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for an e-arc in exchange for my honest review. Thank you also to Xpresso Book Tours for hosting the tour wide giveaway!

CC has spent most of her life traveling from town to town with her dad as he looks for a place to call home. He's an extraordinary baker, who never wants to stay in one place for too long. While all that CC want's to do is settle down somewhere and stay forever. When CC's dad gets a job offer he moves CC again this time he says they are going to stay forever. CC doesn't think this time will be any different, but she hopes it will because the town is perfect. Sugar Lump has beautiful aesthetics and seemingly perfect and happy townspeople it's the ideal place to live and get married.

But the longer they are in this town the and the more CC get's to know the other Baker kids she realizes something isn't quite right. But she did is happy for the first time and content to stay, even if he is pushing for her to go away to college after her last year of high school. CC does everything she can to figure out what exactly is making this town so different than the rest, and why it's townspeople act so strange at times.

CC does make friends and wants to be happy here. Yet she's also looking for things and noticing things that she probably shouldn't. From the school curriculum being way too easy, to the mayor's son being the bad boy, and her dad acting weird all the time and keeping secrets from her. CC isn't used to any of this and as starts to question everything. With a little help from a certain someone who wants revenge of his own she just might be able to figure it all out.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I loved how the town was between the Stepford wives and WayWard Pines (the tv show, maybe the books? I haven't read them yet. Yes I know shameful). I loved how CC never took someone's answer as the full truth and was always looking for things. I also liked how she took risks and realized that if she was caught there would be consequences not just for her but for her dad as well. The friends she made while secretive also tried to give her hints as to what was going on. I loved her friendship/relationship with the Mayor's son even if it did go from 0 to 100 way to fast for my liking, it was understandable considering how pushy everyone was around town about things. Oh the Mayor, what to say about her. Firstly just wow some of the things she said to CC, were just astounding when you consider how old CC is and what exactly the mayor was suggesting. One thing that I still don't exactly get though is how CC's dad could just be so okay with everything in this town? For someone being so wanderlust for most of CC's life, he's really now just going to be happy in one place? What's changed, and why now?

While some have described this book as quirky, for me it was all mystery. I had to keep reading to know what was happening and why this town was so strange acting at times. I mean for being a wedding destination we hardly ever saw any actual weddings and with all the secretiveness of the town, I'm surprised they would let so many strangers come in all the time.

I'd love to see a short novella companion to this book to see if anything did change after everything happened.

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  • 20 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2018: Reviewed