Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts

Midnight Bayou

by Nora Roberts

Declan has been obsessed with Manet Hall ever since he first saw it, but as he renovates it room by room he starts seeing visions and feeling terrible grief and terror, someone elses. Only Angelina distracts him from the mystery, and she has her own suprising connections to the Hall.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

I really liked this one, even though it’s much heavier on romance than it is on suspense. I liked Declan a lot. I think I could appreciate his obsession with the house and his love and appreciation for wood and fine craftmanship. Lena is a good match for him, and it’s fun watching their relationship form and grow. In fact, all of Declan’s relationships with the other characters seen heartfelt and authentic. The aftermath of best friend Remy’s bachelor party had me laughing out loud. The suspense part of the story, with the ghosts and the mystery of what’s happened to Abigail, is like an extra dash of cayenne in your jambalaya.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 20 March, 2008: Finished reading
  • 20 March, 2008: Reviewed